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Farmer’s Market Fresh & Local Podcast – Guatemalan Kitchen
Amalia Moreno-Damgaard farmers market

famers market podcast Amalia Moreno-DamgaardThere are all kinds of kitchens in the Twin Cities; French, Hmong, Vietnamese, Somali, Greek. But a Guatemalan kitchen is uncommon.  That’s the kind of kitchen Amalia Moreno-Damgaard runs, as well as the title of her new book, and she joins Host Susan Berkson to describe this fascinating cuisine.

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Guest on the show this week:

Award-winning cookbook author and chef Amalia Moreno-Damgaard helps people develop a better understanding and appreciation of Latin cultures through healthy gourmet cuisine.  Amalia combines her culinary savvy and business skills with gourmet cuisine to create a platform to educate others about cultural synergies in Latin America.

Visit her website:

The Fresh & Local Podcast is proudly sponsored by Country Financial


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